Parenting Beyond Belief is a wonderful collection of essays on secular parenting from more than 25 parents, educators, scientists, and others. Conributors include Richard Dawkins, Julia Sweeney, Penn Jillette, and Michael Shermer. Dale McGowan, lead author and editor, ties the essays together into chapters covering topics such as fostering curiosity about the natural world, navigating the religious extended family, and finding freethinking community. There’s even an essay about Camp Quest!
Check out this great list of resources from Parenting Beyond Belief.
Raising Freethinkers by Dale McGowan, Molleen Matsumura, Amanda Metskas, and Jan Devor is a practical companion volume to Parenting Beyond Belief. This book features questions and answers, resources, and activities on topics ranging from promoting creativity to talking about death. Many chapters include activities that we use at Camp Quest.
Here is a comprehensive list of resources mentioned in Raising Freethinkers.